Hiking is a great way to get to know people. I love getting to know new people and having new people join our little group. However there are a few rules that you must agree to before you would be allowed to join in on our hikes. These are really just common sense – but not all people have common sense so they need to be mentioned.
- Hiking alone is not a good idea – no one gets left behind. If you want to hike faster than the group be sure there is someone that can keep up with you. No one in this group hikes alone.
- You must bring your own water.
- You must bring your own snack food.
- Dress in layers – the temperature on trails around here can vary greatly from top to bottom. I have seen a 20 degree difference from the parking lot to the top of the trail.
- Always bring a flashlight or head lamp. Things do not always go as planned and we could get back to the car after dark.
- Bring your cell phone with you on all hikes – even if you do not have service.
- If you cannot laugh at yourself then find another group – we like to have fun.
- We usually stop and eat dinner at some restaurant on the way home.

Lost Lake Reflection of Mt. Hood